sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007

Sabr - A Virtude da Paciência

Sabr is the key to the gates of felicity and the main means of deliverance from the mortal perils. Sabr makes a human being bear calamities with ease and face difficulties with composure. Sabr strengthens the will and the power of resolution. Sabr brings independence to the dominion of the soul. Anguish and anxiety on the other hand, aside from their shameful character, are symptoms of the soul's weakness. They deprive one's being of its stability, weaken the determination, and enfeeble the intellect. "Sabr restrains the inner being from anguish, the tongue from complaint and the bodily members from untoward movements." There are various degrees and levels of Sabr, and its reward and merit vary in accordance with its degree and level. This is revealed by the following tradition as narrated by Hazrat Ali Radhiallahu Ta'ala Anhu:
Hazrat Ali (Radhiallaahu Anhu) said:
"The Messenger of Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal said, Sabr is of three kinds: Sabr in regard to disobedience. One who bears patiently with affliction, resisting it with a fair consolation, Allah writes for him or her three hundred degrees [of sublimity], the elevation of one degree over another being like the distance between the earth and heavens. And one who is patient in regard to obedience, Allah writes for him or her six hundred degrees [of sublimity], the elevation of one degree over another being like the distance between the earth's depths and the Throne [al-Arsh]. And one who is patient in regard to disobedience, Allah writes for him or her nine hundred degrees [of sublimity], the elevation of one degree over another being like the distance between the earth's depths and the furthest frontiers of the Arsh [Throne]."

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